Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Why Pec Minor can be a major pain

The pectoralis minor muscle isn't one that is often discussed, probably because it is overshadowed by it's larger and more superficial (closer to the surface) friend, pectoralis major.  Pec major is that big muscle on the surface of the chest that is responsible for bench press type movements. Pec minor is the smaller muscle underneath that arises from the 3rd, 4th and 5th ribs and attaches to the coracoid process of the scapula and contraction of this muscle causes the scapula tilt anteriorly (forward and down).

If this muscle is too tight, it can potentially cause the following:

  • rotator cuff impingement
  • forward head posture leading to neck pain and dysfunction
  • increase in trigger points through the upper traps and levator scapulae which may lead to headaches
  • referred pain into the shoulder and arm
  • thoracic outlet syndrome

A. Normal
B/C. Tight pec minor

Try rounding your shoulders forwards and downwards to contract the pec major (like in diagram C above) and then attempt to lift your arms overhead. Notice how your ROM is majorly limited? That is, in effect, what happens when pectoralis minor is too tight. Combine that with tight pectoralis major and you pretty much have no chance at achieving full ROM of the shoulders. However, our bodies are pretty clever and will try find a way around this, forcing the shoulder to get into those positions. Do this thousands of times and it is a recipe for shoulder impingement, bursitis, rotator cuff tears - you get the picture.

The trouble with pec minor is that it is a difficult muscle to stretch and trigger point due to its location. That is where your Physio or Massage therapist comes in handy! You can try doing some trigger point releasing to your pec major but if the problem is really lying underneath, no amount of lacrosse ball smashing is going to help. You need another set of hands (literally) to get in there and release it.
Pec minor trigger point referral pattern


    Sunday, 18 August 2013

    Set your scapulas free

    Full shoulder range of movement not only requires good mobility at the glenohumeral (ball and socket) joint of the shoulder, but also at the scapulothoracic joint and the thoracic cage.

    We need good shoulder mobility for so many different movements in Crossfit - Olympic lifts, push press/jerk, pull ups, muscle ups, thrusters, etc. If you are lacking in your shoulder ROM, chances are good that at some point, you will end up with an injury.

    What is your shoulder flexion ROM? Can you lift your arm straight up in front of you and bring your arm past your ear? Make sure your arm stays straight and close to your body the whole time.
    Normal shoulder flexion = 180 degrees

    If you cannot achieve this, we need to figure out why. The WHY is what your physiotherapist is good for, as many of the tests we perform to work it all out cannot be performed easily on yourself. There could be many reasons why your shoulder range is lacking: stiffness of the glenohumeral joint, stiffness of the scapulothoracic joint, stiffness of the thoracic spine, weakness of the glenohumeral muscles and/or weakness of the scapular muscles.
    One of the reasons you may be lacking full shoulder flexion may be due to a tight/overactive levator scapulae muscle. As the name suggests, the levator scapulae muscle elevates the scapula. It attaches to the border of the shoulder blade and the transverse processes of vertebrae C1 to C4. Try doing some trigger point to this muscle by lying on your back and placing a lacrosse ball at the corner of your shoulder blade, near the spine (this is called SHOULDER SLACKING in the MobilizeMe app). Then take your arm and bring it up over your head, keeping the elbow straight. Keep the arm moving for 2 minutes, then re-assess your shoulder flexion ROM.  If it has improved, you can attribute at least some of your problem to tightness in the levator scapulae.
    If you got no joy from this, then it's probably a wise move to get a professional to check it out. Don't use Dr.Google. Good luck!
    Don't forget to check out the MobilizeMe app! Available for iPhone and Android!

    Tuesday, 13 August 2013

    Walk before you run

    In the past couple of weeks, we have been travelling around BC/Alberta on a little holiday, visiting Crossfit boxes to say hi, let them know about MobilizeMe  and even do a couple mobility seminars! I tend to pay attention to the stuff I see posted on people's whiteboards as I go. Lots of places just post the daily WOD's, others post clients PR's and goals. One of these stood out to me, as it read on the Goals board: "Kipping pullups". Then directly underneath it had "do overhead movements without pain".

    Anyone see an issue with this?

    If you cannot do an overhead movement without pain, then kipping pullups should not even be a blip on your radar.

    I see this so often it's not even funny anymore. On one hand I love how people are so passionate and eager to get better at Crossfit, on the other hand I cringe. Crossfit has transformed the lives of countless people out there, many of whom have never been active a day in their lives but has it turned us into fanatics who don't know or understand our limitations?

    99.9% of people who Crossfit are NEVER going to make the Games. And I don't say this to be cruel or unkind. I love that so many people have aspirations of making it to the top but for the average Crossfitter, it just isn't going to happen. So why the need to do movements or skills that are beyond our limits? I'm not saying that you won't ever be able to do these skills, it's a matter of time and many hours of practise, but maybe just have a look at the reasons you want to develop them.

    We are all so keen to be able to do all the movements we see performed by the elite athletes at the Games level that I think we forget we need to develop the strength, stability technique and mobility required for these skills.

    If you are limited by pain, go and get it checked out. Don't bury your head in the sand and pray it will go away. Pain is there for a reason, people, and generally doesn't develop overnight (unless you have suffered from an acute injury). Hundreds or thousands of repetitions done with even slightly faulty mechanics will wind up your tissues which eventually cause...PAIN.

    If you are limited by strength, work on developing it. Keep in mind it takes roughly 8 WEEKS to notice muscle hypertrophy (growth) at a cellular level. Concentrating on doing your skills STRICT eg. pullups, ring dips, push ups, etc. with absolutely PERFECT form will help.

    If you are limited by mobility, work on your mobility! Remember that flexibility is one of the fundamentals of Crossfit. It's not nearly as fun as PR'ing your Clean & Jerk but every bit as important. And go out and BUY YOUR OWN mobility equipment. Don't rely on your coach/box to supply it. You should have at least a roller and a lacrosse ball in your gym bag. You don't use someone else's knee sleeves do you???

    Keep in mind that if you are constantly mobilizing and not getting noticeable improvements, you may have issues with your STABILITY. For example, if your shoulders are chronically tight, your rotator cuff muscles and/or scapular stabilizing muscles may be weak. I would advise getting an assessment by your Physio/Physical Therapist or other qualified professional. Make sure that you get an exercise program based on the assessment and stick to it! One coach I talked to while overseas mentioned that they now regularly include rotator cuff/Bulletproof shoulder exercises in their warm up and/or cool down.

    Most of those athletes you see competing at the Games have been doing Crossfit for a few years and/or have a highly competitive athletic background. Their rise to the top hasn't been instantaneous. Walk before you run peeps. You'll still get there in the end.

    Make sure you head to the App Store or Google Play and check out our Mobility App for Crossfit!

